My Moth Story: Making it as a Fat Backpacker, Navigating Suicide & Conquering the Camino de Santiago

On October 19th 2017 I competed in my first Moth Storyslam. I’ve been listening to The Moth Radiohour for years. When a friend told me there was going to be a Storyslam at my favorite museum in Boston (Isabella Stewart Gardener) on the theme of Travel, I knew I had to try something I’d never done before.


I kept avoiding putting this story together because I knew it would be heartbreaking– but as I mulled over all of my stories about travel, trying to think of anything lighter to present, I knew in my heart this story was important to tell for my own healing.

It was an incredible honor to come in a close-second to a seasoned Moth veteran when I told this story. I am inspired to participate again if a future event fits into my schedule.


Enjoy: the tales of a fat-backpacker, navigating the suicide of my father, and conquering a 500 mile hike across Spain.


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